12 Aug Health Info, In the News FLU INFORMATION April 27, 2021 Posted by rgbadmin Facebook Twitter Pinterest linkedin Telegram Guidance for Families Caring for a Child or Adult with Flu or Flu-Like Illness at Home How Flu Spreads: The main way Flu viruses ...Continue reading
18 May Health Info, In the News RESOURCE FOR MORE HEALTH INFORMATION April 27, 2021 Posted by rgbadmin Facebook Twitter Pinterest linkedin Telegram Here is a link to a great online resource for health information... familydoctor.org You can find information on Heath conditions from ...Continue reading
30 Mar Health Info, In the News WHY DO I NEED THE FLU SHOT YEARLY? April 27, 2021 Posted by erika Facebook Twitter Pinterest linkedin Telegram As recently demonstrated by the “swine flu” which is a type of Influenza A, the flu virus is very good at mutating. Every year, the flu...Continue reading
05 Mar Health Info, In the News WHAT IS THE SHINGLES VACCINE AND, SHOULD I GET IT? April 27, 2021 Posted by rgbadmin Facebook Twitter Pinterest linkedin Telegram If you are over 80, there is a 50% chance that you have been affected by Shingles. This disease is caused by the dormant Chickenpox vir...Continue reading