I hope you are well. Here is some new information regarding the vaccines from the recent FDA recommendation and a welcome to a new staff member!
A booster is recommended if you have received the Pfizer, Moderna or J&J vaccines more than 6 months ago and meet any of the following criteria: You are older than 65 or are at risk for severe disease (such as diabetes, immune compromised state, chronic lung, heart or kidney disease). The FDA has also allowed for those who have had a J&J vaccine for the first shot to receive either J&J, Pfizer or Moderna vaccines for the booster. It is also time for the flu shot and you may get both the flu shot and coronavirus vaccines at the same time.
Please note that the vaccines continue to provide very effective protection against hospitalization for coronavirus and, if you do become infected, the monoclonal antibody is a very effective treatment that is available now.
I also want to take this opportunity to introduce my new medical assistant named Lauralee. You will see her in the office and may also speak with her on the phone. She comes to the office with 8 years experience and we are very happy to have her. Our long time nurse, Brenda has retired but, will return periodically to help as needed. Interestingly, she is also an accomplished full time ventriloquist.
Updated NCH COVID information page: https://nchmd.org/news-and-events/newsroom/coronavirus
Paul Jones MD